Load-Aware Dynamic Replication Management in a Data Grid

Laura Cristiana Voicu, Heiko Schuldt
In Proceedings
Appears in
17th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2009)
Vilamoura, Portugal
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Data Grids are increasingly popular in novel, demanding and data-intensive eScience applications. In these applications, vast amounts of data, generated by specialized instruments, need to be collaboratively accessed, processed and analyzed by a large number of users spread across several organizations. The nearly unlimited storage capabilities of Data Grids allow these data to be replicated at different sites in order to guarantee a high degree of availability. For updateable data objects, several replicas per object need to be maintained in an eager way. In addition, read-only copies serve users' needs of data with different levels of freshness. The number of updateable replicas has to be dynamically adapted to optimize the trade-off between synchronization overhead and the gain which can be achieved by balancing the load of update transactions.