WISE:Business to Business E-Commerce
Gustavo Alonso, Ulrich Fiedler, Claus Hagen, Amaia Lazcano, Heiko Schuldt, Nathalie Weiler
In Proceedings
Appears in
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering:Informatio
Sydney, Australia
The Internet and the proliferation of inexpensive computing power in the form of clusters of workstations or PC's provide the basic hardware infrastructure for business to business electronic commerce in small and medium enterprises. Unfortunately, the corresponding software infrastructure is still missing. In this paper we show a way to develop appropriate tools for electronic commerce by describing the approach we have taken in the WISE project (Workflow based Internet SErvices). The goals of WISE are to develop and deploy the software infrastructure necessary to support business to business electronic commerce in the form of virtual enterprises. The idea is to combine the tools and services of different companies as building blocks of a higher level system in which a process acts as the blueprint for control and data flow within the virtual enterprise. From this idea, the final goal is to build the basic support for an Internet Trading Community where enterprises can join their services to provide added value processes.
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