High-Level Tactical Performance Analysis with SportSense

Philipp Seidenschwarz, Martin Rumo, Lukas Probst, Heiko Schuldt
In Proceedings
Appears in
Proceedings of the 3rd International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports 2020)
Seattle, WA, USA (held virtually)

Team sports like football have become an important economic factor. As a result, the pressure on coaches to succeed is increasing and, as a consequence, so are the expectations of the performance analysts who support the coaches in their work. Until now, performance analysis has been a mostly manual and time-consuming activity, mainly consisting of video analysis. Only since the advent of new analysis tools, these analysts have experienced support for their work. However, most existing tools are mostly limited to simple analyzes and do not support complex tactical patterns. In this paper, we present how the existing portSense system has been extended by support for dedicated tactical patterns, especially phases, continuous states, and profiles. SportSense has already been a powerful tool to assist performance analysts in running quantitative and qualitative analyzes. The tactical patterns that have been added even better support analysts in their complex tasks, which is shown in the user studies we have conducted.