DILIGENT: a DIgital Library Infrastructure on Grid ENabled Technology (Finished)

The DILIGENT project is creating an advanced test-bed that will allow virtual e-Science communities to share knowledge and collaborate in a secure, coordinated, dynamic and cost-effective way. The DILIGENT test-bed will be built by integrating Grid and Digital Library (DL) technologies. Merging of these different technologies will lay the foundations for a next generation e-Science knowledge infrastructure with many different research and industrial applications. The test-bed will be demonstrated and validated by two complementary real-life application scenarios: one from the environmental e-science domain and one from the cultural heritage domain. The first user community is composed of representatives from leading organisations that operate in the environmental sector; the second consists of scholars, distributed all over the world working together in a three-year project to merge the medical, humanity, social science and communication research areas. The DILIGENT infrastructure, which will build upon the efforts of the EGEE project, is funded in part by the European Community’s Information Society Technologies priority of the Sixth Framework Programme.
Start / End Dates
01.09.2004 - 01.01.1970
GEIE ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V., Institut für Medizinische Informatik und Technik Tirol, European Organization for Nuclear Research, ENGINEERING-INGEGNARIA INFORMATICA S.P.A., University of Strathclyde, Fast Search & Transfer ASA, European Space Agency, Scuola Normale Superiore, 4D SOFT Szamitastechnikai KFT, RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana S.P.A., Universität Basel
Funding Agencies
European Union, FP6
503'461.22 EUR. Overall Project Budget: 8.9 Mio. EUR.
Research Topics
- Michael Springmann
Building Blocks for Adaptable Image Search in Digital Libaries
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland 2012/4
- Fuat Akal, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek
Toward Replication in Grids for Digital Libraries with Freshness and Correctness Guarantees
Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, 2008/1
- Leonardo Candela, Fuat Akal, Henri Avancini, Donatella Castelli, Luigi Fusco, Veronica Guidetti, Christoph Langguth, Andrea Manzi, Pasquale Pagano, Heiko Schuldt, Manuele Simi, Michael Springmann, Laura Voicu
DILIGENT:integrating digital library and Grid technologies for a new Earth observation research infrastructure
International Journal on Digital Libraries, 2007/10 - Michael Springmann, Heiko Schuldt
Speeding up IDM Without Degradation of Retrieval Quality
Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval:Proceedings of the 8th Workshop of the, Budapest, Hungary 2007/9 - Fuat Akal, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek
Toward Replication in Grids for Digital Libraries with Freshness and Correctness Guarantees
Proceedings of 3rd VLDB Workshop on Data Management in Grids (DMG 2007), Vienna, Austria 2007/9
- Christoph Schuler, Can Türker, Hans-Jörg Schek, Roger Weber, Heiko Schuldt
Scalable Peer-to-Peer Process Management
Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management, 2006/3