Polypheny-DB: Cost- and Workload-aware Adaptive Data Management (Finished)

In the last few years, it has become obvious that the "one-size-fits-all" paradigm, according to which database systems have been designed for several decades, has come to an end. The reason is that in the very broad spectrum of applications, ranging from business over science to the private life of individuals, demands are more and more heterogeneous. As a consequence, the data to be considered significantly differs in many ways, for example from immutable data to data that is frequently updated; from highly structured data to unstructured data; from applications that need precise data to applications that are fine with approximate and/or outdated results; from applications which demand always consistent data to applications that are fine with lower levels of consistency. Even worse, many applications feature heterogeneous data and/or workloads, i.e., they intrinsically come with data (sub-collections) with different requirements for data storage, access, consistency, etc. that have to be dealt with in the same system.
This development can either be coped with a large zoo of specialized systems (for each subset of data with different properties), or by a new type of flexible database system that automatically adapts to the – potentially dynamically changing – needs and characteristics of applications. Such behavior is especially important in the Cloud where several applications need to be hosted on a shared infrastructure, in order to make economic use of the available resources. In addition, the infrastructure costs that incur in a Cloud are made transparent in a very fine-grained way.
The Polypheny-DB project will address these challenges by dynamically optimizing the data management layer by taking into account the resources needed and an estimation of the expected workload of applications. The core will be a comprehensive cost model that seamlessly addresses these criteria and that will be used, in two subprojects, to optimize
The entire project is available on GitHub. Learn more on Polypheny on our website.
Start / End Dates
01.05.2017 - 30.04.2021
Funding Agencies
464'422 CHF
- Heiko Schuldt
- Marco Vogt
- Alexander Stiemer
- David Lengweiler
- Colin Fingerlin
- Silvan Heller
- Jan Schönholz
- Khushbu Agrawal
- Christian Frei
- Nils Hansen
- Sebastian Philipp
- Marc Hennemann
- Isabel Geissmann
- Cédric Mendelin
- Nicolas Odermatt
- Phaina Koncebovski
Research Topics
- Martin Vahlensieck, Tobias Hafner, Heiko Schuldt, Marco Vogt
Polypheny Prism: Lessons Learned from Crafting a Versatile Multimodel, Multilingual Query Interface
LWDA’24: Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen., Würzburg, Germany 2024/9
- David Lengweiler, Marco Vogt, Heiko Schuldt
MMSBench-Net: Scenario-Based Evaluation of Multi-Model Database Systems
Proceedings of the 34th GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Datenbanken), Calw, Germany 2023/6
- Marco Vogt
Adaptive Management of Multimodel Data and Heterogeneous Workloads
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland 2022/9
- Marco Vogt, David Lengweiler, Isabel Geissmann, Nils Hansen, Marc Hennemann, Cédric Mendelin, Sebastian Philipp, Heiko Schuldt
Polystore Systems and DBMSs: Love Marriage or Marriage of Convenience?
In Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on “Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurances” (Poly’21), Copenhagen, Denmark 2021/8
- Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt
Cottontail DB: An Open Source Database System for Multimedia Retrieval and Analysis
Proceedings of 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia.(ACM MM 2020) - Open Source Competition, Seattle, WA, USA (held virtually) 2020/10 - Alexander Stiemer, Marco Vogt, Heiko Schuldt, Uta Störl
PolyMigrate: Dynamic Schema Evolution and Data Migration in a Distributed Polystore
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurance (Poly’ 2020), Tokyo, Japan (held virtually) 2020/8 - Marco Vogt, Nils Hansen, Jan Schönholz, David Lengweiler, Isabel Geissmann, Sebastian Philipp, Alexander Stiemer, Heiko Schuldt
Polypheny-DB: Towards Bridging the Gap Between Polystores and HTAP Systems
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurance (Poly’ 2020), Tokyo, Japan (held virtually) 2020/8 - Marco Vogt, Alexander Stiemer, Sein Coray, Heiko Schuldt
Chronos: The Swiss Army Knife for Database Evaluations
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2020), Copenhagen, Denmark (held virtually) 2020/4
- Marco Vogt, Alexander Stiemer, Heiko Schuldt
Polypheny-DB: Towards a Distributed and Self-Adaptive Polystore
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) – 7th Workshop on Scalable Cloud Data Management (SCDM’2018), Seattle, WA, USA 2018/12
- Marco Vogt, Alexander Stiemer, Heiko Schuldt
Icarus: Towards a Multistore Database System
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) – 6th Workshop on Scalable Cloud Data Management (SCDM’2017), Boston, MA, USA 2017/12