Marco Vogt

- Dr.
- Marco Vogt
- PostDoc
- Room
- 04.003
- Tel
- +41 61 20 70 534
- znepb.ibtg@havonf.pu
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Research Topics
- Chronos
- Polypheny-DB: Cost- and Workload-aware Adaptive Data Management
- Polypheny-DDI: A Flexible Polystore-based Distributed Data Infrastructure
- SwissRenov
2025 Spring Semester
2024 Fall Semester
2024 Spring Semester
2023 Fall Semester
2023 Spring Semester
2022 Fall Semester
2022 Spring Semester
2021 Fall Semester
2021 Spring Semester
2020 Fall Semester
2020 Spring Semester
2019 Fall Semester
2019 Spring Semester
2018 Fall Semester
2018 Spring Semester
2017 Fall Semester
2017 Spring Semester
2016 Spring Semester
2015 Fall Semester
2015 Spring Semester
2014 Fall Semester
2014 Spring Semester
Advised Theses
- Roman Ostermiller (Bachelor Thesis)
Automated Schema Discovery on Heterogenous Data Stores - Ruben Hutter (Bachelor Thesis)
Optimizing Symbolic Execution Through Taint Analysis and Path Prioritization - Flurin Baumann (Bachelor Thesis)
Optimization of Fuzzing Entry Point Selection - Tobias Hafner (Master Project)
Interfacing with Multi-Model Data and Queries - Patrik Bütler (Bachelor Thesis)
Temporal Analysis and Validation of Evaluations - Sebastian Lukas (Bachelor Thesis)
Materializing Results of Database Queries as Files - Tobias Hafner (Master Thesis)
Concurrency Control Across Heterogeneous Storage Engines - Danylo Kravchenko (Master Thesis)
Integrating GIS Capabilities into Polypheny - Neha Selvan (Bachelor Thesis)
MQTT Query Interface for Polypheny-DB - Tobias Hafner (Bachelor Thesis)
JDBC Interface for Polypheny-DB - Tobias Martin Weber (Bachelor Thesis)
Enhancing Jupyter Notebooks with Multi-Model Database Support - Colin Fingerlin (Bachelor Project)
Approaches Towards the Automated Optimization and Validation of a PolyDBMS - Phaina Koncebovski (Master Thesis)
Schema Recognition and Integration in a Polystore System using Machine Learning Methods - Nicolas Odermatt (Master Project)
A stored procedure based mechanism for modifying views in Polypheny-DB - Flurina Fischer (Bachelor Project)
Chameleon Query Interface in Polypheny-DB - Colin Fingerlin (Bachelor Thesis)
An adaptive approach for learning operator costs in Polypheny-DB - Marc Hennemann (Master Thesis)
Freshness-aware Data Management in a Polystore System - David Lengweiler (Master Thesis)
Multi-model Polystore Systems - Isabel Geissmann (Master Thesis)
Self-Adaptive Polystore System - Cédric Mendelin (Master Project)
Intelligent routing of queries in a polystore system - David Lengweiler (Master Project)
Integrating support for the document data model in a polystore system - Isabel Geissmann (Master Project)
Materialized Views in a Polystore Database System - Marc Hennemann (Master Project)
Temperature-aware Data Management in Polypheny-DB - Nils Hansen (Master Thesis)
Polypheny-MM: Adding support for storing and retrieving multimedia collections in a polystore database - Jan Schönholz (Bachelor Thesis)
Multimedia retrieval support for Polypheny-DB - Marc Hennemann (Master Project)
Horizontal data partitioning in a polystore system - Sebastian Philipp (Master Project)
Using Indexes to Simplify Queries in a Polystore System - Nils Hansen (Master Project)
Vector type support in a distributed database - Isabel Geissmann (Bachelor Thesis)
Explore-by-Example: Interactive data exploration in Polypheny - David Lengweiler (Bachelor Thesis)
Persistent and performant schema management in Polypheny-DB - Nils Hansen (Master Project)
Graphical management of data stores in a distributed database - Nils Hansen (Bachelor Thesis)
Polypheny-DB UI: An Angular-based user interface for Polystore Databases - Nils Hansen (Bachelor Project)
Development of a Web UI for Polypheny-DB - Sein Coray (Master Project)
Chronos 2.0: A Generic Evaluation Framework - Khushbu Agrawal (Master Thesis)
Tapmaan: Temperature-aware Data Management in Polypheny-DB - Christian Frei (Master Thesis)
Polypheny-KV: A Transactional Key-Value Store for Polypheny-DB - Silvan Heller (Master Project)
A Client for Dynamic Replication and Partitioning of Big Data
- Martin Vahlensieck, Tobias Hafner, Heiko Schuldt, Marco Vogt
Polypheny Prism: Lessons Learned from Crafting a Versatile Multimodel, Multilingual Query Interface
LWDA’24: Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen., Würzburg, Germany 2024/9
- David Lengweiler, Marco Vogt, Heiko Schuldt
MMSBench-Net: Scenario-Based Evaluation of Multi-Model Database Systems
Proceedings of the 34th GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Datenbanken), Calw, Germany 2023/6
- Marco Vogt
Adaptive Management of Multimodel Data and Heterogeneous Workloads
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland 2022/9
- Marco Vogt, David Lengweiler, Isabel Geissmann, Nils Hansen, Marc Hennemann, Cédric Mendelin, Sebastian Philipp, Heiko Schuldt
Polystore Systems and DBMSs: Love Marriage or Marriage of Convenience?
In Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on “Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurances” (Poly’21), Copenhagen, Denmark 2021/8
- Alexander Stiemer, Marco Vogt, Heiko Schuldt, Uta Störl
PolyMigrate: Dynamic Schema Evolution and Data Migration in a Distributed Polystore
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurance (Poly’ 2020), Tokyo, Japan (held virtually) 2020/8 - Marco Vogt, Nils Hansen, Jan Schönholz, David Lengweiler, Isabel Geissmann, Sebastian Philipp, Alexander Stiemer, and Heiko Schuldt
Polypheny-DB: Towards Bridging the Gap Between Polystores and HTAP Systems
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurance (Poly’ 2020), Tokyo, Japan (held virtually) 2020/8 - Marco Vogt, Alexander Stiemer, Sein Coray, Heiko Schuldt
Chronos: The Swiss Army Knife for Database Evaluations
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2020), Copenhagen, Denmark (held virtually) 2020/4
- Marco Vogt, Alexander Stiemer, Heiko Schuldt
Polypheny-DB: Towards a Distributed and Self-Adaptive Polystore
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) – 7th Workshop on Scalable Cloud Data Management (SCDM’2018), Seattle, WA, USA 2018/12
- Marco Vogt, Alexander Stiemer, Heiko Schuldt
Icarus: Towards a Multistore Database System
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) – 6th Workshop on Scalable Cloud Data Management (SCDM’2017), Boston, MA, USA 2017/12