David Lengweiler

- MSc
- David Lengweiler
- PhD Student
- qnivq.yratjrvyre@havonf.pu
Research Topics
- Polypheny-DB: Cost- and Workload-aware Adaptive Data Management
- Polypheny-DDI: A Flexible Polystore-based Distributed Data Infrastructure
2025 Spring Semester
2024 Fall Semester
2024 Spring Semester
2023 Fall Semester
2023 Spring Semester
2022 Fall Semester
Advised Theses
- Tobias Martin Weber (Master Thesis)
Data Pipelines in a PolyDBMS - Rafael Biehler (Master Thesis)
Multi-Model Geospatial Queries with Interactive Visualization in a Polystore System - Daniel Madöry (Bachelor Thesis)
Multi-Model Stream Processing Benchmark - Patrik Bütler (Bachelor Thesis)
Temporal Analysis and Validation of Evaluations - Tobias Martin Weber (Master Project)
Textual and Visual Algebra Exploration - Flurina Fischer (Bachelor Thesis)
Data Resilience in PolyDBMS Systems - Tunç Polat (Master Thesis)
Event-Based Extension of Polypheny for Enhanced Economic Analysis of Token Transfers on the Ethereum Blockchain - Tobias Martin Weber (Bachelor Thesis)
Enhancing Jupyter Notebooks with Multi-Model Database Support - Melanie Svab (Bachelor Thesis)
Multi-Model Graphical Querying - Flurina Fischer (Bachelor Project)
Chameleon Query Interface in Polypheny-DB
- David Lengweiler, Marco Vogt, Heiko Schuldt
MMSBench-Net: Scenario-Based Evaluation of Multi-Model Database Systems
Proceedings of the 34th GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Datenbanken), Calw, Germany 2023/6
- Marco Vogt, David Lengweiler, Isabel Geissmann, Nils Hansen, Marc Hennemann, Cédric Mendelin, Sebastian Philipp, Heiko Schuldt
Polystore Systems and DBMSs: Love Marriage or Marriage of Convenience?
In Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on “Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurances” (Poly’21), Copenhagen, Denmark 2021/8
- Marco Vogt, Nils Hansen, Jan Schönholz, David Lengweiler, Isabel Geissmann, Sebastian Philipp, Alexander Stiemer, and Heiko Schuldt
Polypheny-DB: Towards Bridging the Gap Between Polystores and HTAP Systems
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurance (Poly’ 2020), Tokyo, Japan (held virtually) 2020/8
Own Theses
- Persistent and performant schema management in Polypheny-DB (Bachelor Thesis)
- Integrating support for the document data model in a polystore system (Master Project)
- Multi-model Polystore Systems (Master Thesis)