Open Source Software Development
The Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) research group has released the following research results under an open source license. More information can be found on the respective repositories or on the project homepages.
Chronos is a system for the automation of the entire evaluation workflow including the set-up of the evaluation, its execution, and the subsequent analysis of the results. The entire project is available on GitHub. You can learn more about Chronos here.
Polypheny is a distributed and self-adaptive polystore. The entire project is available on GitHub. You can learn more about Polypheny here.
CS108-PET, short for CS108 Performance Evaluation Tool is a JavaFX application to manage (project) requirements. It can be used to track the progress of projects in various contexts. We currently use it primarily for the 'Programming Project' Lecture. The entire project is available on GitHub.
SportSense is a novel system for sketch-based video scene retrieval in team sports. The whole code of SportSense is published on GitHub under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.
StreamTeam is a novel infrastructure for real-time team sports analysis. The whole code of StreamTeam is published on GitHub under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.
VIRTUE is the working title of the umbrella project for all things VR. Fore more information, check out the project overview or the GitHub organization.
vitrivr is a full-fledged multimedia retrieval stack. It consists of the following components:
- ADAMpro: a distributed database system for storing and retrieving multimedia data
- CottontailDB: a database system built upon the experiences of ADAMpro with a focus on retrieval speed.
- Cineast: a multi-feature content-based mulitmedia retrieval engine
- Vitrivr NG: a modular web-based user interface
More information can be found on the project website: or on the research project overview. All repositories can be found on the GitHub page.
- Ralph Gasser
- Marco Vogt
- Ivan Giangreco
- Loris Sauter
- Rahel Arnold
- David Lengweiler
- Florian Spiess
- Martin Vahlensieck
Research Projects
- Archipanion
- Chronos
- DRES: Distributed Retrieval Evaluation Server
- Polypheny-DB: Cost- and Workload-aware Adaptive Data Management
- Polypheny-DDI: A Flexible Polystore-based Distributed Data Infrastructure
- SportSense - Sketch-based spatio-temporal Query Support for Sports Videos
- StreamTeam: From Individual Sensing to Collaborative Action Analysis
- VIRTUE (VIRTUal Exhibition hall)
- vitrivr
- vitrivr-VR
Thesis Projects
- A Client for Dynamic Replication and Partitioning of Big Data
- A stored procedure based mechanism for modifying views in Polypheny-DB
- A web-based user interface for Cottontail DB
- ADAM - A Database and Information Retrieval System for Storing, Organizing and Retrieving Multimedia Data
- An adaptive approach for learning operator costs in Polypheny-DB
- An Open Source Electronic Data Capture System for Clinical Studies and Patient Registries
- Approaches Towards the Automated Optimization and Validation of a PolyDBMS
- Automated Collection Generation and Organization
- Automated Schema Discovery on Heterogenous Data Stores
- Chameleon Query Interface in Polypheny-DB
- Chronos 2.0: A Generic Evaluation Framework
- Cineast: a Content-based Video Retrieval Engine
- Collaborative Virtual Museums
- Concurrency Control Across Heterogeneous Storage Engines
- Content-based Cluster Analysis and Cluster Summary Generation
- Cultural Heritage on Mobile Devices: An AR browser for historic images on Android smartphones
- Data Resilience in PolyDBMS Systems
- Detecting Visual Motives Using Online Clustering of Similar Images
- Development of a Web UI for Polypheny-DB
- Evaluating Algorithms for Temporal Queries in Ad-Hoc Video Retrieval
- Evaluation of ADAMpro
- Evaluation of Temporal Queries in Lifelog Retrieval
- Explainable Multimedia Retrieval in Mixed Reality
- Exploratory Multimedia Search in vitrivr
- Explore-by-Example: Interactive data exploration in Polypheny
- Freshness-aware Data Management in a Polystore System
- Graphical management of data stores in a distributed database
- Horizontal data partitioning in a polystore system
- IIIF and vitrivr
- Index-Partitioning in the Distributed Database System ADAMpro
- Integrating GIS Capabilities into Polypheny
- Integrating support for the document data model in a polystore system
- Intelligent routing of queries in a polystore system
- Interactive Virtual Reality Results Visualization for Multimedia Retrieval
- Interfacing with Multi-Model Data and Queries
- JDBC Interface for Polypheny-DB
- Joint Image-EEG Embedding
- Location-based Queries and Query representation for the Lifelog Search Challenge 2021
- Materialized Views in a Polystore Database System
- Materializing Results of Database Queries as Files
- Media RAG: A Chatbot to Explore Multimedia Collections
- Mixed-Reality Multimedia Retrieval: Exploring User Interaction with Eye Tracking and Gesture Recognition
- MQTT Query Interface for Polypheny-DB
- Multi-Modal Multimedia Retrieval Blocks at Their Core
- Multi-model Polystore Systems
- Multi-Platform Data Collection for Social Media Analytics
- Multimedia Retrieval in Virtual Spaces
- Multimedia Retrieval Query Formulation in Virtual Reality
- Multimedia retrieval support for Polypheny-DB
- Network Fuzzing for the Programming Project
- Online Image Analysis to Identify Politicians in Twitter Images
- Óðinn: A Framework for Large-Scale Wordlist Analysis and Structure-Based Password Guessing
- Persistent and performant schema management in Polypheny-DB
- Polypheny-DB UI: An Angular-based user interface for Polystore Databases
- Polypheny-KV: A Transactional Key-Value Store for Polypheny-DB
- Polypheny-MM: Adding support for storing and retrieving multimedia collections in a polystore database
- Representative Viewpoint Selection for 3D Model Retrieval
- Requirements Manager for Projects and Lectures
- Result Robustness in Multimedia Retrieval Evaluations
- Scene Text Recognition in Images and Video with Cineast
- Schema Recognition and Integration in a Polystore System using Machine Learning Methods
- Self-Adaptive Polystore System
- SIMD Support for Proximity Based Queries in Cottontail DB
- Tapmaan: Temperature-aware Data Management in Polypheny-DB
- Temperature-aware Data Management in Polypheny-DB
- Temporal Analysis and Validation of Evaluations
- Towards an all-purpose, content-based multimedia information retrieval system
- Updating the PSBattles Dataset for Image Forgery Detection
- Using Indexes to Simplify Queries in a Polystore System
- Using Self-Organizing Maps to Explore and Query Multimedia Collections
- Vector type support in a distributed database
- VIRTUE-FOCUS: Virtual Exhibitions on Next-Generation Virtual Reality Hardware
- Why, vitrivr? Understanding Results in Multimedia Retrieval
- Raphael Waltenspül, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Cross-Modal 3D Model Retrieval
Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM’24), Tokyo, Japan, 2024/12 - Loris Sauter, Ralph Gasser, Heiko Schuldt, Abraham Bernstein, Luca Rossetto
Performance Evaluation in Multimedia Retrieval
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 2024/10 - Martin Vahlensieck, Tobias Hafner, Heiko Schuldt, Marco Vogt
Polypheny Prism: Lessons Learned from Crafting a Versatile Multimodel, Multilingual Query Interface
LWDA’24: Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen., Würzburg, Germany, 2024/9 - Florian Spiess, Raphael Waltenspül, Heiko Schuldt
The Sketchfab 3D Creative Commons Collection (S3D3C)
arXiv:2407.17205, 2024/7 - Florian Spiess, Nicolas Scharowski, Ariane Haller, Zgjim Memeti, Heiko Schuldt, Florian Brühlmann
Bringing Video Browsing to Virtual Reality: Empirical Evaluation of a Novel Multimedia Drawer
Proceedings of the 14th International COnference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR’24), Phuket, Thailand, 2024/6 - Loris Sauter, Ralph Gasser, Laura Rettig, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
General Purpose Multimedia Retrieval with vitrivr at LSC’24
LSC ‘24: Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Workshop on the Lifelog Search Challenge, Phuket, Thailand, 2024/6 - Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
Spatiotemporal Lifelog Analytics in Virtual Reality with vitrivr-VR
LSC ‘24: Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Workshop on the Lifelog Search Challenge, Phuket, Thailand, 2024/6 - Loris Sauter
Flexible Information Retrieval Evaluation
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2024/2 - Ralph Gasser, Rahel Arnold, Fynn Faber, Heiko Schuldt, Raphael Waltenspül, Luca Rossetto
A new Retrieval Engine for vitrivr
MMM 2024 - The 30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2024/1 - Loris Sauter, Tim Bachmann, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
Augmented Reality Photo Presentation and Content-Based Image Retrieval on Mobile Devices with AR-Explorer
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2024), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024/1 - Florian Spiess, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Exploring Multimedia Vector Spaces with vitrivr-VR
MMM 2024 - The 30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2024/1
- Loris Sauter, Tim Bachmann, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Spatially Localised Immersive Contemporary and Historic Photo Presentation on Mobile Devices in Augmented Reality
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on analySis, Unerstanding and proMotion of heritAge Contents, Ottowa ON, Canada, 2023/11 - Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt, Raphael Waltenspül, Luca Rossetto
Novice-Friendly Text-based Video Search with vitrivr
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing, Orléans, France, 2023/9 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
A Comparison of Video Browsing Performance between Desktop and Virtual Reality Interfaces
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR ‘23), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2023/6 - Werner Bailer, Rahel Arnold, Vera Benz, Davide Coccomini, Anastasios Gkagkas, Gylfi Þór Guðmundsson, Silvan Heller, Björn Þór Jónsson, Jakub Lokoc, Nicola Messina, Nick Pantelidis, Jiaxin Wu
Improving Query and Assessment Quality in Text-Based Interactive Video Retrieval Evaluation
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR ‘23), 2023/6 - David Lengweiler, Marco Vogt, Heiko Schuldt
MMSBench-Net: Scenario-Based Evaluation of Multi-Model Database Systems
Proceedings of the 34th GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Datenbanken), Calw, Germany, 2023/6 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
The Best of Both Worlds: Lifelog Retrieval with a Desktop-Virtual Reality Hybrid System
Proceedings of the 6th Annual ACM Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC’23), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2023/6 - Murielle Cornut, Julien Antoine Raemy, Florian Spiess
Annotations as Knowledge Practices in Image Archives: Application of Linked Open Usable Data and Machine Learning
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2023/5 - Silvan Heller, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
A tale of two interfaces: vitrivr at the lifelog search challenge
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023/4 - Silvan Heller
Temporal Multimodal Video and Lifelog Retrieval
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2023/3 - Ly-Duyen Tran, Manh-Duy Nguyen, Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen, Silvan Heller, Florian Spiess, Jakub Lokoč, Ladislav Peška, Thao-Nhu Nguyen, Omar Shahbaz Khan, Aaron Duane, Björn Þór Jónsson, Luca Rossetto, An-Zi Yen, Ahmed Alateeq, Naushad Alam, Minh-Triet Tran, Graham Healy, Klaus Schoeffmann, Cathal Gurrin
Comparing Interactive Retrieval Approaches at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2021
IEEE Access, 2023/2 - Loris Sauter, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Colin Saladin, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Exploring Effective Interactive Text-based Video Search in vitrivr
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2023), Bergen, Norway, 2023/1 - Rahel Arnold, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt
Free-form Multi-Modal Multimedia Retrieval (4MR)
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2023), Bergen, Norway, 2023/1 - Florian Spiess, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Philipp Weber, Heiko Schuldt
Traceable Asynchronous Workflows in Video Retrieval with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2023), Bergen, Norway, 2023/1
- Florian Spiess, Philipp Weber, Heiko Schuldt
Direct Interaction Word-Gesture Text Input in Virtual Reality
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR 2022), held virtually, 2022/12 - Ralph Gasser
Data Management for Dynamic Multimedia Analytics and Retrieval
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2022/11 - Loris Sauter, Ralph Gasser, Abraham Bernstein, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
An Asynchronous Scheme for the Distributed Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Retrieval
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Interactive Multimedia Retrieval (IMuR’22), Lisbon, Portugal, 2022/10 - Marco Vogt
Adaptive Management of Multimodel Data and Heterogeneous Workloads
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2022/9 - Simon Peterhans, Loris Sauter, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Automatic Generation of Coherent Image Galleries in Virtual Reality
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL ‘22), Padua, Italy, 2022/9 - Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Multimodal Interactive Lifelog Retrieval with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the fifth Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC), Newark, NJ, USA, 2022/6 - Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt
vitrivr at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2022
Proceedings of the fifth Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC), Newark, NJ, USA, 2022/6 - Silvan Heller, Rahel Arnold, Ralph Gasser, Viktor Gsteiger, Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Multi-Modal Interactive Video Retrieval with Temporal Queries
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Qui Nhon, Vietnam , 2022/4 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt
Multi-Modal Video Retrieval in Virtual Reality with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Qui Nhon, Vietnam, 2022/4 - Jakub Lokoč, Werner Bailer, Kai Uwe Barthel, Cathal Gurrin, Silvan Heller, Björn þór Jónsson, Ladislav Peška, Luca Rossetto, Klaus Schoeffmann, Lucia Vadicamo, Stefanos Vrochidis, Jiaxin Wu
A Task Category Space for User-Centric Comparative Multimedia Search Evaluations
MultiMedia Modeling, 2022/3 - Silvan Heller, Viktor Gsteiger, Werner Bailer, Cathal Gurrin, Björn Þór Jónsson, Jakub Lokoč, Andreas Leibetseder, František Mejzlík, Ladislav Peška, Luca Rossetto, Konstantin Schall, Klaus Schoeffmann, Heiko Schuldt, Florian Spiess, Ly-Duyen Tran, Lucia Vadicamo, Patrik Veselý, Stefanos Vrochidis, Jiaxin Wu
Interactive video retrieval evaluation at a distance: comparing sixteen interactive video search systems in a remote setting at the 10th Video Browser Showdown
International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2022/1
- Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Loris Sauter, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt, Ladislav Peška, Tomáš Souček, Miroslav Kratochvíl, František Mejzlík, Patrik Veselý, Jakub Lokoč
On the User-centric Comparative Remote Evaluation of Interactive Video Search Systems
IEEE Multimedia, 2021/10 - Philipp Seidenschwarz
Data-Driven Analytics for Decision Making in Game Sports
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2021/9 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Milan van Zanten, Heiko Schuldt
Exploring Intuitive Lifelog Retrieval and Interaction Modes in Virtual Reality with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR’21), Taipei, Taiwan (held virtually), 2021/8 - Silvan Heller, Ralph Gasser, Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Sanja Popovic, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Interactive Multimodal Lifelog Retrieval with vitrivr at LSC 2021
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR’21), Taipei, Taiwan (held virtually), 2021/8 - Marco Vogt, David Lengweiler, Isabel Geissmann, Nils Hansen, Marc Hennemann, Cédric Mendelin, Sebastian Philipp, Heiko Schuldt
Polystore Systems and DBMSs: Love Marriage or Marriage of Convenience?
In Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on “Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurances” (Poly’21), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2021/8 - Jakub Lokoč, Patrik Veselý, František Mejzlík, Gregor Kovalčík, Tomáš Souček, Luca Rossetto, Klaus Schoeffmann, Werner Bailer, Cathal Gurrin, Loris Sauter, Jaeyub Song, Stefanos Vrochidis, Jiaxin Wu, Björn þóR Jónsson
Is the Reign of Interactive Search Eternal? Findings from the Video Browser Showdown 2020
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 2021/7 - Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Loris Sauter, Abraham Bernstein, Heiko Schuldt
A System for Interactive Multimedia Retrieval Evaluations
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2021), Prague, Czech Republic (held virtually), 2021/6 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt
Competitive Interactive Video Retrieval in Virtual Reality with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2021), Prague, Czech Republic (held virtually), 2021/6 - Silvan Heller, Ralph Gasser, Cristina Illi, Maurizio Pasquinelli, Loris Sauter, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Towards Explainable Interactive Multi-Modal Video Retrieval with vitrivr
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2021), Prague, Czech Republic (held virtually), 2021/6 - Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt
Multimedia Retrieval and Analysis with Cottontail DB
ACM SIGMM Records, 2021/3
- Samuel Börlin, Ralph Gasser, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
3D Model Retrieval Using Constructive Solid Geometry in Virtual Reality
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality (AIVR 2020), Utrecht, The Netherlands (held virtually), 2020/12 - Lukas Probst, Heiko Schuldt, Philipp Seidenschwarz, Martin Rumo
StreamTeam-Football: Analyzing Football Matches in Real-Time on the Basis of Position Streams
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2020) , Atlanta, GA, USA (held virtually), 2020/12 - Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt
Cottontail DB: An Open Source Database System for Multimedia Retrieval and Analysis
Proceedings of 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia.(ACM MM 2020) - Open Source Competition, Seattle, WA, USA (held virtually), 2020/10 - Philipp Seidenschwarz, Martin Rumo, Lukas Probst, Heiko Schuldt
High-Level Tactical Performance Analysis with SportSense
Proceedings of the 3rd International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports 2020), Seattle, WA, USA (held virtually), 2020/10 - Silvan Heller, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Ralph Gasser, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt
Interactive Lifelog Retrieval with vitrivr
Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC 2020), Dublin, Ireland (held virtually), 2020/10 - Silvan Heller, Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Maurizio Pasquinelli, Heiko Schuldt
vitrivr-explore: Guided Multimedia Collection Exploration for Ad-hoc Video Search
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2020), Copenhagen, Denmark (held virtually), 2020/10 - Ihab Al Kabary, Heiko Schuldt
Scalable Sketch-based Sport Video Retrieval in the Cloud
Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD’20), Honolulu, Hi, USA (held virtually), 2020/9 - Alexander Stiemer, Marco Vogt, Heiko Schuldt, Uta Störl
PolyMigrate: Dynamic Schema Evolution and Data Migration in a Distributed Polystore
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurance (Poly’ 2020), Tokyo, Japan (held virtually), 2020/8 - Marco Vogt, Nils Hansen, Jan Schönholz, David Lengweiler, Isabel Geissmann, Sebastian Philipp, Alexander Stiemer, Heiko Schuldt
Polypheny-DB: Towards Bridging the Gap Between Polystores and HTAP Systems
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Polystore systems for heterogeneous data in multiple databases with privacy and security assurance (Poly’ 2020), Tokyo, Japan (held virtually), 2020/8 - Silvan Heller, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
Multi-Stage Queries and Temporal Scoring in vitrivr
2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), London, UK (held virtually), 2020/7 - Lukas Probst
Spatio-Temporal Multi Data Stream Analysis with Applications in Team Sports
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, 2020/7 - Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt, Stéphane Dupont
vitrivr and Deepmime: Gesture-based search in Video Collections
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Communication (ICMC): Developing New Theories and Methods, Osnabrück, Germany, 2020/5 - Marco Vogt, Alexander Stiemer, Sein Coray, Heiko Schuldt
Chronos: The Swiss Army Knife for Database Evaluations
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2020), Copenhagen, Denmark (held virtually), 2020/4 - Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Jakub Lokoč, Werner Bailer, Klaus Schoeffmann, Bernd Muenzer, Tomás Souček, Phuong Anh Nguyen, Paolo Bolettieri, Andreas Leibetseder, Stefanos Vrochidis
Interactive Video Retrieval in the Age of Deep Learning – Detailed Evaluation of VBS 2019
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020/3 - Philipp Seidenschwarz, Adalsteinn Jonsson, Michael Plüss, Martin Rumo, Lukas Probst, Heiko Schuldt
The SportSense User Interface for Holistic Tactical Performance Analysis in Football
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion (IUI 2020 Companion), Cagliari, Italy (held virtually), 2020/3 - Loris Sauter, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Combining Boolean and Multimedia Retrieval in vitrivr for large-scale Video Search
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, Daejeon, Korea, 2020/1
- Philipp Seidenschwarz, Martin Rumo, Lukas Probst, Heiko Schuldt
A Flexible Approach to Football Analytics: Assessment, Modeling and Implementation
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS 2019), Moscow, Russia, 2019/11 - Philipp Seidenschwarz, Adalsteinn Jonsson, Fabian Rauschenbach, Martin Rumo, Lukas Probst, Heiko Schuldt
Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis in Football with SportSense
Proceedings of the 2nd International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports (MMSports 2019), Nice, France, 2019/10 - Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Heiko Schuldt
Query by Semantic Sketch
arXiv cs.MM, 2019/9 - Philipp Seidenschwarz, Martin Rumo, Lukas Probst, Heiko Schuldt
A Flexible Approach to Football Analytics: Assessment, Modeling and Implementation (Abstract)
Book of Abstracts of the 12th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport, Moscow, Russia, 2019/7 - Jakub Lokoč, Klaus Schöffmann, Werner Bailer, Luca Rossetto, Cathal Gurrin
Interactive video retrieval in the age of deep learning
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2019/6 - Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Multimodal Multimedia Retrieval with vitrivr
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2019/6 - Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Heiko Schuldt
Retrieval of Structured and Unstructured Data with vitrivr
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2019/6 - Luca Rossetto, Fabian Berns, Klaus Schoeffmann, George Awad, Christian Beecks
The V3C1 Dataset: Advancing the State of the Art in Video Retrieval
ACM SIGMM Records, 2019/6 - Ivan Giangreco, Loris Sauter, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
VIRTUE — A Virtual Reality Museum Experience
Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’19), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2019/3 - Luca Rossetto, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Ralph Gasser, Ivan Giangreco, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt
Deep Learning-based Concept Detection in vitrivr at the Video Browser Showdown 2019 - Final Notes
arXiv cs.MM, 2019/2 - Jakub Lokoc, Gregor Kovalcic, Bernd Münzer, Klaus Schöffmann, Werner Bailer, Ralph Gasser, Stefanos Vrochidis, Phuong Anh Nguyen, Sitapa Rujikietgumjorn, Kai Uwe Barthel
Interactive Search or Sequential Browsing? A Detailed Analysis of the VBS 2018
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2019/2 - Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Towards an All-Purpose Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval System
arXiv cs.MM, 2019/2 - Luca Rossetto, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Ralph Gasser, Ivan Giangreco, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt
Deep Learning-based Concept Detection in vitrivr
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2019/1
- Lukas Probst, Fabian Rauschenbach, Heiko Schuldt, Philipp Seidenschwarz, Martin Rumo
Integrated Real-Time Data Stream Analysis and Sketch-Based Video Retrieval in Team Sports
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2018), Seattle, WA, USA, 2018/12 - Marco Vogt, Alexander Stiemer, Heiko Schuldt
Polypheny-DB: Towards a Distributed and Self-Adaptive Polystore
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) – 7th Workshop on Scalable Cloud Data Management (SCDM’2018), Seattle, WA, USA, 2018/12 - Luca Rossetto
Multi-Modal Video Retrieval
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, 2018/9 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Ralph Gasser, Heiko Schuldt
Competitive Video Retrieval with vitrivr at the Video Browser Showdown 2018 - Final Notes
arXiv cs.MM, 2018/5 - Ivan Giangreco
Database Support for Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, 2018/3 - Lukas Probst, Ihab Al Kabary, Rufus Lobo, Fabian Rauschenbach, Heiko Schuldt, Philipp Seidenschwarz, Martin Rumo
SportSense: User Interface for Sketch-Based Spatio-Temporal Team Sports Video Scene Retrieval
Proceedings of the IUI 2018 Workshop on User Interfaces for Spatial and Temporal Data Analysis (UISTDA 2018), Tokyo, Japan, 2018/3 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Ralph Gasser, Heiko Schuldt
Competitive Video Retrieval with vitrivr
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), Bangkok, Thailand, 2018/2 - Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
The Long Tail of Web Video
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Bangkok, Thailand, 2018/2
- Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Ralph Gasser, Heiko Schuldt
Content-based Multimedia Retrieval using vitrivr
ACM SIGMM Records, 2017/12 - Marco Vogt, Alexander Stiemer, Heiko Schuldt
Icarus: Towards a Multistore Database System
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) – 6th Workshop on Scalable Cloud Data Management (SCDM’2017), Boston, MA, USA, 2017/12 - Lukas Probst, Frederik Brix, Heiko Schuldt, Martin Rumo
Demo: Real-Time Football Analysis with StreamTeam
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS 2017), Barcelona, Spain, 2017/6 - Ivan Giangreco, Luca Rossetto, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt
vitrivr: A Multimedia Search System supporting Multimodal Interactions
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Communication: Developing New Theories and Methods, Osnabrück, Germany, 2017/6 - Prateek Goel, Ivan Giangreco, Luca Rossetto, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt
Hey, vitrivr! - A Multimodal UI for Video Retrieval
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 2017/4
- Claudiu Tănase, Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Heiko Schuldt
The vitrivr System at TRECVID 2016: The Ad-Hoc Video Search Task
Proceedings of the 2016 TRECVID Ad-Hoc Video Search Task, 2016/10 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt
vitrivr - A Flexible Retrieval Stack Supporting Multiple Query Modes for Searching in Multimedia Collections
Proceedings of the International ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), Amsterdam, NL, 2016/10 - Lukas Probst, Ivan Giangreco, Heiko Schuldt
Pull-based Real-Time Complex Event Detection in Multiple Data Streams - the PAN Approach
Technical Report CS-2016-003, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, 2016/8 - Lukas Probst, Ivan Giangreco, Heiko Schuldt
PAN – Distributed Real-Time Complex Event Detection in Multiple Data Streams
16th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS 2016), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2016/6
- Fabio Sulser, Ivan Giangreco, Heiko Schuldt
Crowd-based Semantic Event Detection and Video Annotation for Sports Videos
Proceedings of the International ACM Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia (CrowdMM), Orlando, FL, USA, 2014/11 - Ihab Al Kabary, Heiko Schuldt
Enhancing Sketch-based Sport Video Retrieval by Suggesting Relevant Motion Paths
Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGIR Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 2014/7 - Ihab Al Kabary, Heiko Schuldt
Using Hand Gestures for Specifying Motion Path Queries in Sketch-based Video Retrieval
Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2014/4
- Ihab Al Kabary, Heiko Schuldt
Towards Sketch-based Motion Queries in Sports Videos
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2013), Anaheim, CA, USA, 2013/12 - Ihab Al Kabary, Heiko Schuldt
SportSense: Using Motion Queries to Find Scenes in Sports Videos
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2013), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013/10