Luca Rossetto
- Prof. Dr.
- Luca Rossetto
- Former Member
Current affiliation:
Dublin City University, Ireland
Faculty of Engineering and Computing
School of Computing
Find me on:
- Google Scholar
- Research Gate
- Semantic Scholar
- Microsoft Academic Search
- Keybase
- Github
Research Topics
- City-Stories: Spatio-temporal search over crowdsourced content
- DRES: Distributed Retrieval Evaluation Server
- IMOTION - Intelligent Multi-Modal Augmented Video Motion Retrieval System
- SportSense - Sketch-based spatio-temporal Query Support for Sports Videos
- verifir - Real-time Detection and Analysis of Disinformation on the Web
- VIRTUE (VIRTUal Exhibition hall)
- vitrivr
2019 Spring Semester
2018 Fall Semester
2018 Spring Semester
2017 Fall Semester
2017 Spring Semester
2016 Fall Semester
2016 Spring Semester
2015 Fall Semester
- DBIS Research Seminar
- Seminar: Current Trends in Distributed Systems
- Web Data Management mit Übungen (cs261)
2015 Spring Semester
- DBIS Research Seminar
- cs243 Datenbanken
2014 Fall Semester
- DBIS Research Seminar
- cs261 Web Data Management mit Übungen
2012 Spring Semester
- cs108 Programmier-Projekt
Advised Theses
- Fabrizio Parrillo (Master Project)
Linked Open Data for History-aware Cities - Timo Castelberg (Bachelor Thesis)
Multimedia Retrieval in Virtual Spaces - Lukas Stöckli (Bachelor Thesis)
IIIF and vitrivr - Gowthaman Gobalasingam (Bachelor Thesis)
Collaborative Virtual Museums - Loris Sauter (Master Project)
GoFind! Augmented Reality - Silvan Heller (Master Thesis)
Scalable Near-duplicate Detection - Loris Sauter (Bachelor Thesis)
Mobile search and visualization of historic multimedia data - Sein Coray (Bachelor Thesis)
Design and implementation of an application to evaluate the result quality of multimedia retrieval systems - Ralph Gasser (Master Thesis)
Towards an all-purpose, content-based multimedia information retrieval system - Loris Sauter (Bachelor Project)
Requirements Manager for Projects and Lectures - Silvan Stich (Bachelor Thesis)
Exploratory Multimedia Search in vitrivr - Lesther Bal-ut (Bachelor Computer Science Project)
Parsing and Comparing Semantic Chunks - Lucius Bachmann (Bachelor Computer Science Project)
“Bernstein”: Online-Schaltung und Federation einer Wasserzeichen-Datenbank - Pascal Düblin (Master Thesis)
SanDBoX - A Modular Component-based Multimedia Information Retrieval Framework
- Florian Spiess, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Simplified Video Retrieval in Virtual Reality with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2025), Nara, Japan 2025/1
- Loris Sauter, Ralph Gasser, Heiko Schuldt, Abraham Bernstein, Luca Rossetto
Performance Evaluation in Multimedia Retrieval
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 2024/10 - Loris Sauter, Ralph Gasser, Laura Rettig, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
General Purpose Multimedia Retrieval with vitrivr at LSC’24
LSC ‘24: Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Workshop on the Lifelog Search Challenge, Phuket, Thailand 2024/6 - Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
Spatiotemporal Lifelog Analytics in Virtual Reality with vitrivr-VR
LSC ‘24: Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM Workshop on the Lifelog Search Challenge, Phuket, Thailand 2024/6 - Ralph Gasser, Rahel Arnold, Fynn Faber, Heiko Schuldt, Raphael Waltenspül, Luca Rossetto
A new Retrieval Engine for vitrivr
MMM 2024 - The 30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2024/1 - Loris Sauter, Tim Bachmann, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
Augmented Reality Photo Presentation and Content-Based Image Retrieval on Mobile Devices with AR-Explorer
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2024), Amsterdam, Netherlands 2024/1 - Florian Spiess, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Exploring Multimedia Vector Spaces with vitrivr-VR
MMM 2024 - The 30th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2024/1
- Loris Sauter, Tim Bachmann, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Spatially Localised Immersive Contemporary and Historic Photo Presentation on Mobile Devices in Augmented Reality
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on analySis, Unerstanding and proMotion of heritAge Contents, Ottowa ON, Canada 2023/11 - Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt, Raphael Waltenspül, Luca Rossetto
Novice-Friendly Text-based Video Search with vitrivr
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing, Orléans, France 2023/9 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
A Comparison of Video Browsing Performance between Desktop and Virtual Reality Interfaces
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR ‘23), Thessaloniki, Greece 2023/6 - Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Peter Uhrig, Luca Rossetto, Stéphane Dupont, Heiko Schuldt
Gesture Retrieval and its Application to the Study of Multimodal Communication
International Journal on Digital Libraries, 2023/6 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
The Best of Both Worlds: Lifelog Retrieval with a Desktop-Virtual Reality Hybrid System
Proceedings of the 6th Annual ACM Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC’23), Thessaloniki, Greece 2023/6 - Loris Sauter, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Colin Saladin, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Exploring Effective Interactive Text-based Video Search in vitrivr
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2023), Bergen, Norway 2023/1 - Florian Spiess, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Philipp Weber, Heiko Schuldt
Traceable Asynchronous Workflows in Video Retrieval with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2023), Bergen, Norway 2023/1
- Loris Sauter, Ralph Gasser, Abraham Bernstein, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
An Asynchronous Scheme for the Distributed Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Retrieval
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Interactive Multimedia Retrieval (IMuR’22), Lisbon, Portugal 2022/10 - Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt
vitrivr at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2022
Proceedings of the fifth Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC), Newark, NJ, USA 2022/6 - Silvan Heller, Rahel Arnold, Ralph Gasser, Viktor Gsteiger, Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Multi-Modal Interactive Video Retrieval with Temporal Queries
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Qui Nhon, Vietnam 2022/4 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt
Multi-Modal Video Retrieval in Virtual Reality with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Qui Nhon, Vietnam 2022/4 - Jakub Lokoč, Werner Bailer, Kai Uwe Barthel, Cathal Gurrin, Silvan Heller, Björn þór Jónsson, Ladislav Peška, Luca Rossetto, Klaus Schoeffmann, Lucia Vadicamo, Stefanos Vrochidis, Jiaxin Wu
A Task Category Space for User-Centric Comparative Multimedia Search Evaluations
MultiMedia Modeling, 2022/3 - Silvan Heller, Viktor Gsteiger, Werner Bailer, Cathal Gurrin, Björn Þór Jónsson, Jakub Lokoč, Andreas Leibetseder, František Mejzlík, Ladislav Peška, Luca Rossetto, Konstantin Schall, Klaus Schoeffmann, Heiko Schuldt, Florian Spiess, Ly-Duyen Tran, Lucia Vadicamo, Patrik Veselý, Stefanos Vrochidis, Jiaxin Wu
Interactive video retrieval evaluation at a distance: comparing sixteen interactive video search systems in a remote setting at the 10th Video Browser Showdown
International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2022/1
- Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Loris Sauter, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt, Ladislav Peška, Tomáš Souček, Miroslav Kratochvíl, František Mejzlík, Patrik Veselý, Jakub Lokoč
On the User-centric Comparative Remote Evaluation of Interactive Video Search Systems
IEEE Multimedia, 2021/10 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Milan van Zanten, Heiko Schuldt
Exploring Intuitive Lifelog Retrieval and Interaction Modes in Virtual Reality with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR’21), Taipei, Taiwan (held virtually) 2021/8 - Silvan Heller, Ralph Gasser, Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Sanja Popovic, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Florian Spiess, Heiko Schuldt
Interactive Multimodal Lifelog Retrieval with vitrivr at LSC 2021
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR’21), Taipei, Taiwan (held virtually) 2021/8 - Jakub Lokoč, Patrik Veselý, František Mejzlík, Gregor Kovalčík, Tomáš Souček, Luca Rossetto, Klaus Schoeffmann, Werner Bailer, Cathal Gurrin, Loris Sauter, Jaeyub Song, Stefanos Vrochidis, Jiaxin Wu, and Björn þóR Jónsson
Is the Reign of Interactive Search Eternal? Findings from the Video Browser Showdown 2020
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 2021/7 - Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Loris Sauter, Abraham Bernstein, Heiko Schuldt
A System for Interactive Multimedia Retrieval Evaluations
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2021), Prague, Czech Republic (held virtually) 2021/6 - Florian Spiess, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt
Competitive Interactive Video Retrieval in Virtual Reality with vitrivr-VR
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2021), Prague, Czech Republic (held virtually) 2021/6 - Mahnaz Parian-Scherb, Claire Walzer, Luca Rossetto, Silvan Heller, Stéphane Dupont, Heiko Schuldt
Gesture of Interest: Gesture Search for Multi-Person, Multi-Perspective TV Footage
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI ‘21), Lille, France (held virtually) 2021/6 - Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt
Multimedia Retrieval and Analysis with Cottontail DB
ACM SIGMM Records, 2021/3
- Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt, Stéphane Dupont
Are You Watching Closely? Content-based Retrieval of Hand Gestures
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2020) , Dublin, Ireland (held virtually) 2020/10 - Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt
Cottontail DB: An Open Source Database System for Multimedia Retrieval and Analysis
Proceedings of 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia.(ACM MM 2020) - Open Source Competition, Seattle, WA, USA (held virtually) 2020/10 - Silvan Heller, Loris Sauter, Heiko Schuldt, Luca Rossetto
Multi-Stage Queries and Temporal Scoring in vitrivr
2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), London, UK (held virtually) 2020/7 - Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt, Stéphane Dupont
vitrivr and Deepmime: Gesture-based search in Video Collections
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Communication (ICMC): Developing New Theories and Methods, Osnabrück, Germany 2020/5 - Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Jakub Lokoč, Werner Bailer, Klaus Schoeffmann, Bernd Muenzer, Tomás Souček, Phuong Anh Nguyen, Paolo Bolettieri, Andreas Leibetseder, Stefanos Vrochidis
Interactive Video Retrieval in the Age of Deep Learning – Detailed Evaluation of VBS 2019
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020/3 - Loris Sauter, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Combining Boolean and Multimedia Retrieval in vitrivr for large-scale Video Search
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, Daejeon, Korea 2020/1
- Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Heiko Schuldt
Query by Semantic Sketch
arXiv cs.MM, 2019/9 - Jakub Lokoč, Klaus Schöffmann, Werner Bailer, Luca Rossetto, Cathal Gurrin
Interactive video retrieval in the age of deep learning
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Ottawa, ON, Canada 2019/6 - Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Multimodal Multimedia Retrieval with vitrivr
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Ottawa, ON, Canada 2019/6 - Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Heiko Schuldt
Retrieval of Structured and Unstructured Data with vitrivr
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Ottawa, ON, Canada 2019/6 - Luca Rossetto, Fabian Berns, Klaus Schoeffmann, George Awad, Christian Beecks
The V3C1 Dataset: Advancing the State of the Art in Video Retrieval
ACM SIGMM Records, 2019/6 - Fabian Berns, Luca Rossetto, Klaus Schöffmann, Christian Beeks, George Awad
V3C1 Dataset: An Evaluation of Content Characteristics
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Ottawa, ON, Canada 2019/6 - Ivan Giangreco, Loris Sauter, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
VIRTUE — A Virtual Reality Museum Experience
Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’19), Los Angeles, CA, USA 2019/3 - Luca Rossetto, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Ralph Gasser, Ivan Giangreco, Silvan Heller, Heiko Schuldt
Deep Learning-based Concept Detection in vitrivr at the Video Browser Showdown 2019 - Final Notes
arXiv cs.MM, 2019/2 - Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
Towards an All-Purpose Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval System
arXiv cs.MM, 2019/2 - Luca Rossetto, Mahnaz Amiri Parian, Ralph Gasser, Ivan Giangreco, Silvan Heller and Heiko Schuldt
Deep Learning-based Concept Detection in vitrivr
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, Thessaloniki, Greece 2019/1 - Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt, George Awad and Asad A. Butt
V3C — a Research Video Collection
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, Thessaloniki, Greece 2019/1
- Loris Sauter, Luca Rossetto and Heiko Schuldt
Exploring Cultural Heritage in Augmented Reality with GoFind!
Proceedings of the first IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, Taichung, Taiwan 2018/12 - Luca Rossetto
Multi-Modal Video Retrieval
PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel 2018/9 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Ralph Gasser and Heiko Schuldt
Competitive Video Retrieval with vitrivr at the Video Browser Showdown 2018 - Final Notes
arXiv cs.MM, 2018/5 - Silvan Heller, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt
The PS-Battles Dataset - an Image Collection for Image Manipulation Detection
arXiv cs.MM, 2018/4 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Ralph Gasser and Heiko Schuldt
Competitive Video Retrieval with vitrivr
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), Bangkok, Thailand 2018/2 - Luca Rossetto and Heiko Schuldt
The Long Tail of Web Video
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Bangkok, Thailand 2018/2 - Stéphane Dupont, Ozan Can Altiok, Aysegül Bumin, Ceren Dikmen, Ivan Giangreco, Silvan Heller, Emre Külah, Gueorgui Pironkov, Luca Rossetto, Yusuf Sahillioglu, Heiko Schuldt, Omar Seddati, Yusuf Setinkaya, Metin Sezgin, Claudiu Tanase, Emre Toyan, Sean Wood, Doguhan Yeke
VideoSketcher: Innovative Query Modes for Searching Videos through Sketches, Motion and Sound
Proceedings of the eNTERFACE 2015 Workshop on Intelligent Interfaces, 2018/1
- Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Ralph Gasser and Heiko Schuldt
Content-based Multimedia Retrieval using vitrivr
ACM SIGMM Records, 2017/12 - Luca Rossetto and Heiko Schuldt
Web Video in Numbers - An Analysis of Web-Video Metadata
arXiv cs.MM, 2017/7 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Claudiu Tănase and Heiko Schuldt
Multimodal Video Retrieval with the 2017 IMOTION System
Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Bucharest, Romania 2017/6 - Ivan Giangreco, Luca Rossetto, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt
vitrivr: A Multimedia Search System supporting Multimodal Interactions
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Communication: Developing New Theories and Methods, Osnabrück, Germany 2017/6 - Prateek Goel, Ivan Giangreco, Luca Rossetto, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt
Hey, vitrivr! - A Multimodal UI for Video Retrieval
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK 2017/4 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt, Stéphane Dupont, Omar Seddati
Enhanced Retrieval and Browsing in the IMOTION System
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), Reykjavik, Iceland 2017/1
- Claudiu Tănase, Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Heiko Schuldt, Stéphane Dupont and Omar Seddati
The IMOTION System at TRECVID 2016: The Ad-Hoc Video Search Task
Proceedings of the 2016 TRECVID Ad-Hoc Video Search Task, 2016/10 - Claudiu Tănase, Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco and Heiko Schuldt
The vitrivr System at TRECVID 2016: The Ad-Hoc Video Search Task
Proceedings of the 2016 TRECVID Ad-Hoc Video Search Task, 2016/10 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt
vitrivr - A Flexible Retrieval Stack Supporting Multiple Query Modes for Searching in Multimedia Collections
Proceedings of the International ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), Amsterdam, NL 2016/10 - Claudiu Cobârzan, Klaus Schoeffmann, Werner Bailer, Wolfgang Hürst, Adam Blažek, Jakub Lokoč, Stefanos Vrochidis, Kai Uwe Barthel, Luca Rossetto
Interactive video search tools: a detailed analysis of the video browser showdown 2015
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016/7 - Claudiu Tănase, Ivan Giangreco, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt, Omar Seddati, Stéphane Dupont, Ozan Can Altiok, Metin Sezgin
Semantic Sketch-Based Video Retrieval with Autocompletion
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), Sonoma, CA, USA 2016/3 - Luca Rossetto, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt
Dealing with ambiguous Queries in Multimodal Video Retrieval
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2016), Miami, FL, USA 2016/1 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt, Stéphane Dupont, Omar Seddati, Metin Sezgin, Yusuf Sahillioğlu
iAutoMotion - an Autonomous Content-based Video Retrieval Engine
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM) - Video Browser Showdown, Miami, FL, USA 2016/1 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Silvan Heller, Claudiu Tănase, Heiko Schuldt, Stéphane Dupont, Omar Seddati, Metin Sezgin, Ozan Can Altıok, Yusuf Sahillioğlu
IMOTION - Searching for Video Sequences using Multi-Shot Sketch Queries
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM) - Video Browser Showdown, Miami, FL, USA 2016/1 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Silvan Heller, Claudiu Tănase, and Heiko Schuldt
Searching in Video Collections using Sketches and Sample Images - The Cineast System
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), Miami, FL, USA 2016/1
- Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Heiko Schuldt
OSVC - Open Short Video Collection 1.0
Technical Report CS-2015-002, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, 2015/10 - Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Heiko Schuldt, Stéphane Dupont, Omar Seddati, Metin Sezgin, Yusuf Sahillioğlu
IMOTION - a Content-based Video Retrieval Engine
Proceedings of the 21st MultiMedia Modelling Conference (MMM2015) - Video Search Showcase Track, Sydney, Australia 2015/1
- Luca Rossetto, Ivan Giangreco, Heiko Schuldt
Cineast: A Multi-Feature Sketch-Based Video Retrieval Engine
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), Taichung, Taiwan 2014/12
Own Theses
- Cineast: a Content-based Video Retrieval Engine (Master Thesis)
- Multi-Modal Video Retrieval (PhD Thesis)